Business Source CompleteThis link opens in a new windowThe world's most comprehensive business database with full text ebooks, peer-reviewed journals, case studies, company profiles, SWOT analyses, interviews, market research reports, industry reports, and country economic reports.
Business Databases (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windowSearches 8 business databases simultaneously: ABI/INFORM Collection, Accounting, Tax & Banking Collection, Asian & European Business Collection, Business Market Research Collection, Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database, Career and Technical Education Database, India Database, and Research Library.
ABI/INFORM CollectionThis link opens in a new windowFeatures scholarly journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country reports, and industry profiles. Its international coverage provides a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
PsycArticles (APA)This link opens in a new windowFrom the American Psychological Association (APA), this database is a definitive source of full text, peer-reviewed, scholarly, and scientific articles in psychology. Contains full text from nearly 80 journals and coverage spans from 1894 to present.
SAGE Journals OnlineThis link opens in a new windowAn interdisciplinary database that contains over 1,000 full text, online journals in the fields of business, education, health, the humanities, law enforcement, criminology, and other social sciences. Several of these journals are the most authoritative and influential in their fields. Access from 1999-present.
eBooks on subjects in business and technology:
SkillsoftThis link opens in a new windowNote: This database has scheduled downtime every Sunday from 1-3 pm ET. Please plan ahead. The full STEM Bundle includes access to: Business, Engineering, & IT eBooks, IT & Desktop 3-5 minute videos, book summaries of popular books on leadership and business, and the Leadership Channel, which contains videos and live events.
Multidisciplinary eBook databases:
eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)This link opens in a new windowMultidisciplinary eBooks representing a broad range of subjects.
Ebook Central (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windoweBooks on a range of subjects such as business, information technology, education, engineering, health, history, humanities, life & physical sciences, and social and behavioral sciences.
Films On Demand (Business & Economics)The Business & Economics collection of the Films On Demand database includes over 2,100 full-length streaming videos in the fields of business and economics.
SkillsoftThis link opens in a new windowNote: This database has scheduled downtime every Sunday from 1-3 pm ET. Please plan ahead. The full STEM Bundle includes access to: Business, Engineering, & IT eBooks, IT & Desktop 3-5 minute videos, book summaries of popular books on leadership and business, and the Leadership Channel, which contains videos and live events.
ImageQuest (Britannica)This link opens in a new windowNearly 3 million rights-cleared images from more than 50 collections including Getty Images, the National Portrait Gallery of London, and the National Geographic Society.
Credo ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowSpecialized reference eBooks for background information on all subjects, including audio, video, and image results.
Click on a database name to search:
Credo ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowSpecialized reference eBooks for background information on all subjects, including audio, video, and image results.
Britannica AcademicThis link opens in a new windowThe largest, most authoritative encyclopedia in the world, this database contains articles, maps, images, videos, and yearbooks from 1993 to present. Use it instead of Wikipedia for your research!
Gale eBooksThis link opens in a new windowMore than 50 reference eBooks in business, communications, history, law, literature, medicine, nation & world, science, and technology.
Academy of Management JournalA peer reviewed journal publishing research that develops, tests or advances management theory and practice. (full text from 1963 to present)
Academy of Management PerspectivesPeer reviewed journal providing accessible articles about important issues concerning management & business. (full text from 2/1/2006 to present)
Academy of Management ReviewA peer reviewed journal focusing on organizational and management theory. (full text from 1976 to present)
Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM)Encourages interdisciplinary approaches such as organization and ecology, consumption and production and rhetorics and theatrics of change and development. (full text from 1/1/1992 to 1 year ago)
Organizational DynamicsResearch and commentary on organizational behavior and development and human resources and strategic management aimed both at academics and practicing managers. (full text from 6/1/1972 to 11/30/2001)
Journal of Human ResourcesA peer reviewed journal that examines labor, health, education, and retirement issues with econometric tools, and focuses on policy implications. (full text from 6/1/1966 to present)
Human Resource Management JournalA peer reviewed journal about business and human resource strategy design of organizations; work and jobs; recruitment and selection; performance appraisal; training and development; and management and trade union relations. (full text from 3/1/2004 to 1 year ago)
Human Resource Management ReviewA peer reviewed journal devoted to the publication of conceptual and theoretical articles pertaining to human resource management and allied fields. Focus on the central issues of human resource management. (full text from 3/1/1991 to 12/31/2001)
International Association for Human Resource Information Management"Since 1980, the International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM) has been the leading membership association for HR information management professionals and offers you a unique community that blends education, collaboration and professional certification."
Organizational Behavior Management Network"The OBM Network exists to develop, enhance, and support the growth and vitality of Organizational Behavior Management through research, education, practice, and collaboration."
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology"The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology is a division within APA that is also an organizational affiliate of APS. The Society's mission is to enhance human well-being and performance in organizational and work settings by promoting the science, practice, and teaching of industrial-organizational psychology."
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services"It is the mission of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Americans. We fulfill that mission by providing for effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, public health, and social services."
Writing for Business StudentsCovers general writing skills, such as being concise and paragraph structure & transitions, and business writing techniques, such as active vs. passive voice and using the third person.
Writing Process Overview (Excelsior OWL)Takes you through the different steps of the writing process, including developing a topic, finding your voice, revising & editing.
How to Write a...Learn how to write a thesis statement, outline, and different types of papers, such as an annotated bibliography and literature review.