Bizoi, A. (2016). Ethics and sustainability: 'The silver lining' of supply chains. Review of International Comparative Management, 17(3), 250-261.
DesJardins, J. (2016). Is it time to jump off the sustainability bandwagon? Business Ethics Quarterly, 26(1), 117-135.
Academic & Business Writing
Improve Your Writing
Writing for Business StudentsCovers general writing skills, such as being concise and paragraph structure & transitions, and business writing techniques, such as active vs. passive voice and using the third person.
Writing Process Overview (Excelsior OWL)Takes you through the different steps of the writing process, including developing a topic, finding your voice, revising & editing.
How to Write a...Learn how to write a thesis statement, outline, and different types of papers, such as an annotated bibliography and literature review.
APA Style Help
APA Tip SheetGuidelines for APA in-text citations and references.