"These codes, published by both the U.S. Government and by individual states, represent the codification of statutes (laws) passed by the United States Congress and individual state legislatures or governing bodies" (Justia, n.d.).
In the Nexis Uni search box, begin typing United States Code Service
USCS - United States Code Service - Titles 1 through 54 will appear in a list of results
To the right of USCS - United States Code Service - Titles 1 through 54, click the Table of Contents tree icon
On the right side of the search box, you will see United States Code Service. This means that your searches are now searching just this one source.
However, knowing the exact terms to search can be tricky, so we recommend browsing by title and section numbers. Let's use Title 47 Section 230 (47 U.S. Code § 230) as an example.
Click the plus signs to browse the table of contents by title and section numbers
To find Title 47 Section 230 (47 U.S. Code § 230), first click the plus sign to the left of the correct title number
Next, you'll need to narrow in on number 230 by clicking the plus signs next to the following:
COMMON CARRIERS (§§ 201 — 276)
Until you can click the name for the section itself
§ 230. Protection for private blocking and screening of offensive material
The United States Code is the codification by subject matter of the general and permanent laws of the United States. It is divided by broad subjects into 53 titles.
The Statutes at Large is the permanent collection of all laws and resolutions enacted during each session of Congress.
Finding State Codes & Statutes in Nexis Uni
In the Nexis Uni do not use any pre-limiters.
Make sure the date limiter is set to All available dates unless you only want to see more recent content
Enter your topic, the law's common name, or a citation into the search box
When using a citation to search, do not include punctuation or the "§" section symbol. For example, when looking for 29 U.S.C. § 2601, enter 29 USC 2601 into the search box.
Click the red search button
On the left side of the results list, click Statutes and Legislation
Further down on the left side of the results list, click Jurisdiction
You may need to click More to see all the states or click Select multiple if you want to be able to include more than one
Search tip:
Alternatively, you can search for statutes from a specific state by including the state name in the search box
Use quotation marks around phrases of two or more words to tell the database to find sources that use that exact phrase where the words appear right next to one another.
Click the red search button
Again, on the left side of the results list, click Statutes and Legislation