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eBooks & Books

There are two ways to save eBooks

  1. Saving pages/chapters as a PDF to your computer
  2. Downloading the entire eBook offline (requires additional software)

Saving pages/chapters from eBooks

download iconDownloading is not required to view library eBooks. They can be viewed in their entirety online, and you can print or save pages/chapters without having to download the eBook offline.

This is a quicker/easier option if you do not need the whole eBook. Plus, saved pages/chapters are yours to keep and never expire.  Check out our FAQ: How do I save a chapter, section or pages from an eBook?

Image by Darwin Laganzon from Pixabay

Downloading entire eBooks

book connected to an e-readerSome databases allow you to download the entire eBook offline for a period of time. For more information and instructions, see the FAQ: How do I download library eBooks to my computer, mobile device, or tablet?

Image by
Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay