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Ebook Central (ProQuest)This link opens in a new windoweBooks on a range of subjects such as business, information technology, education, engineering, health, history, humanities, life & physical sciences, and social and behavioral sciences.
SkillsoftThis link opens in a new windowNote: This database has scheduled downtime every Sunday from 1-3 pm ET. Please plan ahead. The full STEM Bundle includes access to: Business, Engineering, & IT eBooks, IT & Desktop 3-5 minute videos, book summaries of popular books on leadership and business, and the Leadership Channel, which contains videos and live events.
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Britannica AcademicThis link opens in a new windowThe largest, most authoritative encyclopedia in the world, this database contains articles, maps, images, videos, and yearbooks from 1993 to present. Use it instead of Wikipedia for your research!
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Credo ReferenceThis link opens in a new windowSpecialized reference eBooks for background information on all subjects, including audio, video, and image results.
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Gale eBooksThis link opens in a new windowMore than 50 reference eBooks in business, communications, history, law, literature, medicine, nation & world, science, and technology.