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MPA502: Public Management in a Political Environment

M1: Article Critique Assignment

Step 1: Find a recent peer-reviewed journal article

Below, is the Library's Peer Reviewed Articles tip sheet and one example search strategy to get you started.

Example search strategy:
  • Under the OneSearch search box, click Advanced Search
  • Use the three search boxes to divide your topic into its main ideas. For example:
    • 1st search box: "leadership style*" OR "management style*"
    • 2nd search box: "public management" OR "public administration"

screenshot of search boxes

  • Click Search
  • On the left side of the results list, under Limit To:
    • Check the boxes next to Peer Reviewed Journals
    • Enter a 5-year Publication Date range and press Enter

Notice the advanced search strategies used above:

  1. Divide your topic into its main ideas and place each idea into a separate search box. Most advanced search interfaces start with two or three search boxes, but you can always add more for more complex topics (click the plus sign symbol).
  2. Use quotation marks around phrases of two or more words to tell the database to search for those words right next to one another.
  3. Use an asterisk (*) at the end of a root word to tell the database to search for the various endings to the word. For example, a search for style* will find style (singular) and styles (plural).
  4. Use the word OR between synonyms and like-terms to tell the database to search for either term.

Step 2: Thoroughly read the article and write an article critique

Below, are links to help you complete this section of M1A1.

Step 3: Use APA style 7th edition for writing your assignment

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