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HSC316: Mind, Body and Health

Selected Resources

Here are some encyclopedia articles and ebook chapters that provide information about different cultures and their beliefs and views about health care.  For some of these, the text will display when you click on the linked title below.  For others, click the PDF Full Text to view the ebook.

Below are some journal and magazine articles that you can choose from to help you understand more about healthcare and a particular cultural or ethnic or religious group. Click on the article title, and then click on the PDF or HTML full text link to view the article.

Barrow, S. L. (2010). Treating patients from diverse populations. Access, 24(8), 30-33.

Bull, C. C. (2013). Healing ourselves: Culture and behavioral health at tribal colleges and universities. Tribal College Journal, 25(2), 14-18.

McCullagh, M. C., Sanon, M., & Foley, J. G. (2015). Cultural health practices of migrant seasonal farmworkers. Journal Of Cultural Diversity, 22(2), 64-67.

Pyrillis, R. (2015). Prescription for better minority health. Workforce, 94(5), 40-43.

Caring for those with Islamic beliefs. (2014). Australian Nursing & Midwifery Journal, 22(6), 41.

Culture and health care: What urologists should know. (2007). Urology Times, 35(7), 27-29.

Coyne, C. (2005). Addressing spirituality issues in patient interventions. PT: Magazine Of Physical Therapy, 13(7), 38-44.

McGill, N. (2013). As Hispanics lag in clinical trials, health researchers take action. (cover story). Nation's Health, 43(7), 1-16.

Strunk, J. A., Townsend-Rocchiccioli, J., & Sanford, J. T. (2013). The Aging Hispanic in America: Challenges for nurses in a stressed health care environment. MEDSURG Nursing, 22(1), 45-50.

Mott-Coles, S. (2014). Patients' Cultural Beliefs in Patient-Provider Communication With African American Women and Latinas Diagnosed With Breast Cancer. Clinical Journal Of Oncology Nursing, 18(4), 443-448.

Lor, M., Khang, P. Y., Xiong, P., Moua, K. F., & Lauver, D. (2013). Understanding Hmong Women's Beliefs, Feelings, Norms, and External Conditions About Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening. Public Health Nursing, 30(5), 420-428.

McLaughlin, L., & Braun, K. (1998). Asian and Pacific Islander cultural values: considerations for health care decision making. Health & Social Work, 23(2), 116-126.