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Library Help for AD Nursing Theory

Course Help for AD Nursing Theory

a.) Introductions to the Library, its resources, and APA

b.) Search tips

c.) Suggested journals

Listed below are suggested journal titles that cover many topics. You will want to use these journal titles when you search for articles in OneSearch.

Check your course for other more specific journal titles that you will want to include for a more complete search.  You can use the same search tips found in the video or pdf above to search the journal titles found in your particular course. Don't forget to Contact Your Librarians if you would like help searching.

  • American Journal of Nursing
  • Home Healthcare Nurse
  • Nursing Made Incredibly Easy
  • Nursing: Search the journal "Nursing" and a specific publication year, such as Nursing 2018
    • (Type 0360-4039 and then choose IS ISSN in the drop down box to the right(Change it from Select a Field(optional) to IS ISSN.)  Click the Search button.  Then, type in your search keyword at the top area in the second box. Click the Search button.  You now have a listing of articles from Nursing(Year) on your topic!)

d.) Explore the APA Help page

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