Also, use the following library resources to complete your assignment:
Business Market Research CollectionThis link opens in a new windowContains company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research from three sources, including Hoover's Company Profiles, OxResearch from Oxford Analystica, and Snapshots.
Search for the company's ticker symbol: SBUX
Below "Hoover's Company Records" for the Starbuck Corporation, click "Full text - PDF"
Click "Business" box (bottom left)
Click "Company Dossier" link (your browser must allow pop-ups for this link to work)
In the "Ticker symbol" field enter the Starbucks' ticker symbol: SBUX
Click Search
Use the navigation on the left to move within the Starbucks' report
Guidelines for APA in-text citations and references.
Other business/investment research databases
Note: Other specialized databases may be available through your local public/academic library. Check with your local library to explore databases such as Factiva, Mergent, Value Line, etc.
Writing for Business StudentsCovers general writing skills, such as being concise and paragraph structure & transitions, and business writing techniques, such as active vs. passive voice and using the third person.
Writing Process Overview (Excelsior OWL)Takes you through the different steps of the writing process, including developing a topic, finding your voice, revising & editing.
How to Write a...Learn how to write a thesis statement, outline, and different types of papers, such as an annotated bibliography and literature review.
Income StatementTells investors about the company's profits and losses for a specific time period.
Cash Flow StatementMany items on the cash flow statement are also found in either the income statement or the balance sheet, but here they are arranged to highlight cash generation and how it relates to reported earnings.
Balance SheetGives investors a general overview of a company's financial health, telling investors exactly what a company owns (assets) and who it owes (liabilities).